a selection of special screenplays from 2024

Calling all film producers and directors seeking captivating scripts!

We’re thrilled to assist in establishing direct communication between you and the gifted screenwriters behind these remarkable projects. The greatest advantage? Our assistance is entirely free of charge. Seize this chance to delve into extraordinary scripts and join forces with enthusiastic authors. Get in touch today, and allow us to assist you in transforming your artistic vision into reality.

Terror and Virtue

Ernest Pysher


United States

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The Marquis de Lafayette returns home to find his king and country on the brink of ruin – and ripe for reform. His plans spiral out of control when a bankrupt alcoholic becomes the unlikely leader of the movement instead and all hell breaks loose. The incredible true story of the French Revolution.

Writer Biography

Born and raised in New York City. Began screenwriting in 2021.

Winner, “Best TV Script”, Paris Screenplay Awards 2023
Winner, “Best TV Pilot”, New York Int’l Film Awards 2023
Winner, “Best TV Pilot”, Atlanta Int’l Screenplay Awards 2023
Finalist, Creative World Awards 2022

The price of love

William Dorian KANE Louis



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It is very early (6h) in a residential area of the Paris region still asleep. An unmarked police car is parked in front of the only house with lights already lit. A man comes out of it, 1.75m, in his 30s, stocky, short hair, wears a 70 year leather, raw jeans and Jordan sneakers .
It’s Inspector Warren, it’s a special day for him today.
He has to announce a terrible news to his best friend, his wife whom he believed in his brother is found dead in the company of a stranger.
Who is this unknown person? Is it a crime of passion, if he is the author?

Writer Biography

I was born in 1978. After a serious accident that left me almost paralyzed for two years, I decided to pursue a career as an actor despite being very shy. Over time, I was compelled to take up writing to explore and discuss various topics—subjects that make me reflect and question.

Writer Statement

This script allows me to explore and challenge both my characters and the audience on the cost of love. Is love worth all the sacrifices and risks? Can the many dangerous situations we face push us to react instinctively, based on belief, upbringing, or faith in society and its rules?

Sometimes, these circumstances lead to reactions that defy common sense, as love is the trigger for a multitude of emotions. Are we truly up to the challenge?

My need to write came from a frustration with the creative process—I needed to express my desire to contribute my share of work and to bring a new resonance to French cinema.

Listening Raven


United States Minor Outlying Islands

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For over 15,000 years Indigenous Persons have lived on this land now called “North America.” And for that entire period, we Natives have been great story tellers.

REZ is the story of four very different Native Americans living a modern-day urban existence along with their Euro-American sidekick. Upon being taken captive in a working-class pub, we come to ponder who the real prisoners are in contemporary United States. Not just in body, but spirit.

REZ is a satirical comedy that takes the image of the “Wild Indian in face paint” and turns it upside down. In this screenplay Native Persons look at the rest of America as the “savages on the warpath.” Albeit inept and buffoonish savages. Not unlike the manner in which Indigenous Persons have been portrayed in American literature, TV and the cinema for many years.

And yet, we Native Persons end up laughing at ourselves just as much. Not because we are that much different, but regrettably still very much part of that same flawed human footprint. And maybe that’s what keeps us going. Realizing the paradox and knowing when to laugh at the absurdity of it all.

After all, in the end there is no “Native” or “Newcomer.” We are all children of the same Great Father and Mother Earth. We are all brothers and sisters spawned from the same mysterious souse.

And if life is just a big joke disguised as a dream, let’s make it a joyous, worthwhile journey where laughter walks hand in hand with empathy for both captor and captive. We will eventually all awake and see each other as one people.

Even if it takes another 15 Millenia.

“Howesha Kisheki, kita ‘kweelemale”
(It is a good day. And we love you)

Writer Biography

Native American Person of Shawnee Blood.

Writer, Historian, Person of The People.

Writer Statement

The time’s come for entertainment in all forms to feature Native Americans as mainstream characters and not just the stereotypes and animated images of our youth featuring teepees and painted faces. Indigenous Persons have lived on this patch of land for over 15,000 years. And our story, our true story, and contemporary sagas are not just important, but fascinating. And we’re pretty darn funny, too. Fifteen Millenia in the same place is bound to make for some funny stuff.


Nicholas J Szegedi


United States

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Scene 1: The Fall
Michael, a successful aerospace engineer in his late 30s, sits in his sterile office, the weight of two failed marriages pressing down on him. He and his best friend, Larry, sit in a bar, discussing their pact to never marry again. Memories of his ex-wives haunt Michael, their voices echoing his fears of failure and heartbreak.

Scene 2: The Catalyst
When Damon, an old rival with a vendetta, sabotages Michael’s career by targeting his top-secret contract, Michael feels cornered and decides to quit his job. In a moment of desperation, he resolves to start his own company, Delta-X Inc., to develop a revolutionary aerospace device.

Scene 3: The Journey Home
Seeking clarity, Michael travels to his birthplace in Austria. There, he meets an elderly woman who assisted his mother during his birth. She tells him of a premonition she had weeks before his arrival: he must find a wife in Austria. Dismissing her words, Michael is determined to uphold his pact with Larry.

Scene 4: A Chance Encounter
While visiting Hungary, Michael meets Izabella, a vibrant and captivating young woman. Their chemistry is electric, and within hours, they share an impulsive, passionate kiss. The whirlwind romance escalates, and caught in the moment, Michael proposes. They must face Izabella’s traditional parents, setting the stage for a dramatic confrontation.

Scene 5: The Fallout
Months later, Izabella arrives in Los Angeles, eager yet overwhelmed. Michael confesses that Daniella, his ex, has had his child. The revelation shakes Izabella, but she resolves to tackle the challenges head-on. However, the FBI questions her about her alleged ties to a Hungarian communist organization, raising the stakes.

Scene 6: The Plan
Determined not to let fear dictate their lives, Izabella devises a plan using her skills in computer programming and cryptology. She seduces Damon under the pretense of wanting to work with him and gathers evidence to expose his corporate deceit.

Scene 7: The Confrontation
During a tense meeting, Izabella confronts Damon, revealing her true intentions. He underestimates her, leading to a thrilling cat-and-mouse game of wits. As she gathers the final pieces of evidence, Damon realizes he’s been outplayed.

Scene 8: The Showdown
In a climactic scene, Michael and Izabella present the evidence to the FBI, taking down Damon and clearing Izabella’s name. The victory is bittersweet as Michael wrestles with his unresolved feelings about his past relationships and his child.

Scene 9: The Resolution
Michael, Izabella, Daniella, and Larry agree to raise the child in a quasi-polyamorous relationship with shared responsibilities, realizing that love can be complex but rewarding. With a voiceover from Michael, he reflects on love as a daring adventure, acknowledging that while the journey may be fraught with challenges, the rewards—trust, partnership, and family—are worth every risk.

Scene 10: Embracing the Future
As Michael and Izabella stand hand in hand, they reflect on their tumultuous journey. The camera pans out, revealing them overlooking the Los Angeles skyline, a symbol of their newfound hope and determination. They embrace, ready to face whatever lies ahead together.

Writer Biography


• FESTIGIOUS AWARD WINNER: International Film Festival, 5/09/2024
• FINALIST: Cambridge Film Festival, 10/01/2024
• HONORABLE MENTION: Santa Barbara Awards Diverse Writers Outreach 1/10/2023
• SEMI FINALIST: Wiki Screenplay Contest: 6/11/2024
• HONORABLE MENTION: Santa Barbara International Screenplay Awards: 5/14/2022
• SELECTED: Los Angeles International Screenplay Awards: 4/29/2022
• QUARTER FINALIST: Page Turner Screenplays: 6/1/2024
• OFFICIAL SELECTION: BISF, Berlin International Art Film Festival: Selected 9/24/2024

Previous screenplays:
Libido on Steroids
That Can’t be True
Quantum Leap
Critical Mass
Critical Path

Writer Statement

My stories are intended to entertain adult audiences with thought-provoking jaw-dropping themes. I completed full-length feature screenplays on various subjects, including science fiction, social dramas, and romance.

Victims: A Love Story

morris G Fink


United States

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Teri, a law student fighting to recover from a brutal sexual assault, falls in love with a classmate, an ex-con who was sexually trafficked in prison, but has forged a new identity. His past, however, catches up with them.

Dimitri Devyatkin


United States

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“He will taste my revenge!” On his deathbed, the Pharaoh’s Architect tells his sons he made a secret entrance to the Royal Treasury, giving them access to vast amounts of gold and jewels.

Writer Biography

An American director, producer, screenwriter, video artist, and journalist, Devyatkin uses elements of humor, art, and new technology in his work. He is known for combining abstract synthesized imagery with camera footage. His programs have been broadcast domestically and internationally on ABC, PBS, Channel 4 UK, WDR Germany, France 3 andTF1, and Channel One Russia.

Writer Statement

This story is one of the oldest stories of all human civilization, set in Ancient Egypt, told in a contemporary style as if it is happening today. My father told my brothers and me this tale when we were very young. It concerns questions that are as important today as then.

Ready Set Kill

Felicia Marie Baxter


United States

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A PI investigating a cluster of trans-female deaths
finds herself thrust into the case of her life when she
uncovers the serial killer responsible has a prolific track
record of these types of gruesome murders.

I would like to write for the show Better Things or a reboot of Living Single.

I am a physician whose day job allows me to pursue my passion for writing. I genuinely like maybe 11 people and that number fluctuate between 9 and 12 most days. I prefer to be alone with my little dog, Ethel Mertz with my vintage albums and books. But I am fascinated by the human condition and know in order to write believable dialogue, I need to be part of real conversations.

Stuart J Forrest


United States

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Billy Golding and Junior Merridew are two 10-year-old with a friendship based on their frustrations with their mothers. Billy’s “tiger mom” pushes him to achieve at the cost of his childhood. Junior’s mom is a child predator who hasn’t disclosed to Billy the extent of her abuse.
Together the boys find a relief in a secluded, abandoned, storage station at the city’s reservoir. Eventually, Junior’s abuse, and growing need for violence intrudes on their relationship, resulting in murder.

Kibombo jumps in Capital City (series)

Alejandra Chacón Gallardo, Alberto Vázquez Meade, Monique Zepeda Sein



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One day, Leonardo and Valentina found a mysterious door; they dare to cross it. Inside the house, they meet Kibombo: a fantastic character, who helps them to discover the power that lays in questions, and the strength to accept their fears and desires. With wisdom, humor, and willingness to move forward, they face bullying, the absence of a parent, and the ghost of illness within the family.

I would be part of something bigger than myself.

Alejandra Chacon
Certified Psychoanalyst, certified Lawyer, CEO of a company named Respect Under Construction Company, and entrepreneur.

Monique Zepeda
Speaker, workshop facilitator, trainer, writer, therapist with a specialty in children, teenagers, and adults, equity gender topics, and violence prevention. Reading promoter, and certified Kiva Trainer, antibullying Finnish Program.

Alejandro Vilpa



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A futuristic world where A.I. has taken the entertainment industry and kicked out human artists, who now have to steal and sell industrial secrets from the top entertainment companies to survive. A secret that may flip everything upside down has been delivered…

Published author in Mexico, Latin America, and Spain. In
2021, he produced his first short film, leading to the
opportunity to attend the Cannes Film Festival as a young
artist. (Attendee since 2021)
He recently collaborated with the company MG Motors to
write, produce, and distribute the commemorative book for
their centenary. His latest book is currently under
consideration for audiovisual adaptations in Hollywood.

Angels Desired

Lukas Scheja



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In this “Fantastical Mythical Comedy” among the Minotaur-legend, the actress Iznasha, as the protagonist of a film production, dreams of her unknown parents in a living relationship making an impossible film within an ensemble of artistic friends.

Benito F Perez, Jackson J Smith


United States

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I just love telling stories – especially Spiralmind!

Traumatized by his mother’s death at the hands of a demon, a scientist-turned-superhero devises a method of taking on the forces of Hell via quantum mechanics.

Drawing from rich comic book superhero stories and integrating them with classic monster stories, Spiralmind strives to create a new world full of adventure, romance, and fantastical creatures. At the core of this world is quantum mechanics. In this classic tale of good versus evil, a scientist will set out on an adventure to discover he is the world’s last hope.

This story takes place in the fictional city of Nineveh, where evil abounds, and the night is ruled by horrendous creatures. In the early morning rabbi Sol Rothblatt, a mentor to the scientist, Ben Landry, is called to perform an exorcism. The possessed Douglas Maxwell is an elderly prominent citizen who is part of the cabal and who called the rabbi to confess. It is the same demon that destroyed the scientist’s mother in his youth who has possessed Douglas. Ben is now grown and has assumed the alter-ego called Spiralmind. The demon has assembled an evil faction whose goal is to destroy Spiralmind’s world one phase at a time.

The demon has assigned Governor Dante Evans to lead the cabal. Dante wants to return the Nephilim, an ancient hybrid race of evil supernatural beings and humans to earth. To accomplish this goal without suspicion or prejudice, the human genome must be altered. This purpose is simple, if the human genome is changed to a different form, then the Nephilim will be looked upon as heroes and Dante will be called upon as their ruler. Dante knows that his plan cannot succeed while Spiralmind is free to roam the earth. Dante devises a simple ruse, remove Ben’s friends, mentors, and true love, and force Spiralmind to confront Dante on his terms. Dante succeeds in not only breaking Ben’s outer circle (his friends), his inner circle (kidnapping his girlfriend Allison Wirth) but break the very core which gives him the power to be Spiralmind. Dante breaks the connection to the time portals.

With Allison’s comfort and care, he learns why the demon chose to possess his mother. The demon wanted to see if Ben had the power to create time portals. This knowledge leads him to comprehend what the true origin of the time portals is and how to use them fully. He rebuilds the time portal; he imprisons the powerful demon of his past by putting him in a plasma ball. He returns to confront Dante to save his friends. Spiralmind saves his friends, but Dante kills Allison and completes his wicked plan. Spiralmind is then faced with a powerful dilemma, use the time portal to enter Hell and bring back Allison from the dead or save the earth from ruin.

Spiralmind chooses to enter Hell and rescue Allison.

SPIRALMIND is based on the critically acclaimed comic book series and characters created by my partner and I at Phi3 COMICS. We own 100% of all rights.
If you have read this far – thank you so much and please know that we want to place SPIRALMIND into that echelon of stellar sci-fi films of all time. We created him; we know him!

Born in Jacksonville, North Carolina. Analyst for the Department of Defense. Master of Science in Systems Engineering from the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterrey, California. Master of Science in Intelligence & National Security Studies University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, Texas. Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, Texas. U.S. Army Veteran.

The Stylite - Christmas in Alexantine

Shane Hallawa


United States

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The country and world are returning to normal after the defeat of the Daemoklos demons by the stylites and the Saracen. Now at Christmastime in the rising city of Alexantine, Teresa Amadei is mourning the loss of her old friend Alice Marion, and meditating on life and death as Christmas Day approaches.

But while she and her cousin/fellow stylite Matthew Abbate meet friends and family, an old threat looms again with the return of the Azdharkins, descendants of humans raptured from Earth by the Daemoklan Azhgok 1500 years ago. Teresa and Matthew, on the advise of their mentor, the desert hermit Father Simon, befriend the four Taishis, vigilantes who fought and defeated the Kingdom of the Red Sun crime syndicate using ancient and modern technology. This group of six must prepare to face Azhgok in the wilds of Turkestan before he can re-establish his demonic kingdom on Earth.

The novelization of my story “The Stylite” is now available on Amazon.

You can follow me for updates and other things on Instagram @shanehallawa

Samuel Benjamin Books Negin


United States

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General Othello’s marriage is destroyed when vengeful Ensign Iago convinces him that his new wife has been unfaithful.

I am a writer and economist who is interested in the interactions between the past and the present and what the past can tell us about modern times.

Sam Negin is a New Jersey-based playwright and economist who has had plays produced throughout New York. His one-act play, The Night They Hanged Your Grandmother – a play about a family in crisis, was produced at Elmwood Playhouse. Sam also wrote the book for a one act musical, Empty Frames (score by Kit Goldstein Grant) about the art heist at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. Empty Frames has been produced at two festivals, including Winterfest. Sam is producing two documentaries, The Millennials, about the next generation of the LGBTQ+ movement, and The Dreamers, about New York City street and subway performers. In addition to my writing, I have invested into two Broadway shows, including the Tony Award winning musical, “Kinky Boots.”

Kevin Ndango



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In the vibrant city of Munich, Germany, we meet Malik Cooper, a 20-year-old African-American student, on a crisp September day in 2006. With his studies coming to an end, Malik prepares to journey back to his home in the bustling heart of New York. We also meet members of his social group, including his doting girlfriend Tyra, good friend Edwin, and party-animal athlete Malcolm. We see Edwin try to seduce a local girl by touting his connection to famous musicians.

Malik has to go to get his school transcript, a simple task that ends up taking longer than it ought to. On his way to the airport, his car breaks down, further delaying him as he’s forced to sell the vehicle to a passerby who stops to help him. He arrives late at the airport and it seems now to be a given that he will miss his essential connecting flight from Frankfurt to New York.

His efforts to secure a seat or any alternate route are all defeated. He finally manages to get a seat on the next day’s flight, but he must pay an additional hundred Euro fee in Frankfurt airport. They will not accept his credit card initially when he attempts to pay this fee, forcing him to seek a means of getting the requisite cash.

We also meet Julius Ndango, a fiery tongued and energetically ambitious African refugee who is apprehended by immigration authorities for trying to use a fake passport and visa. Julius tries to brand the employees as being racist and states that he’s seeking asylum in Germany. He cites United Nation articles to prove his point that he’s being unjustly detained, but is held nonetheless.

At the Volks Bank location within the airport, Malik undertakes a routine task — depositing 600 euros into his credit card account to cover the flight penalty for missing his original return trip. The hitch in this seemingly straightforward plan? A minuscule 75 cent debt lurking in his account, a debt that, under the watchful eye of stringent student account policies, effectively locks his funds.

As Malik endeavors to book a new flight, the relentless hands of time deal him a cruel blow. He misses his 1 PM flight from Munich to Frankfurt, and Lufthansa, in a gesture that could be considered ruthless, slaps him with a 100 euro penalty for the tardy booking.

A ray of hope shines through when Mrs. Hilbert, the compassionate bank manager, steps in. She attempts to navigate the labyrinthine system and implores her seemingly heartless senior supervisor, Rose Anthea, to release Malik’s funds to settle the penalty. Unfortunately, Rose’s reluctance leaves Malik in a desperate predicament.

With no other recourse, Malik finds himself trapped in an unbearable purgatory at Frankfurt Airport, a stark contrast to the vibrant life of the city he had just left behind. For four agonizing days, he sleeps fitfully on uncomfortable chairs, his stomach gnawing with hunger. The 100 euro penalty, now doubled to 200, looms like a formidable obstacle, and the bank remains resolute in denying him access to his own money.

As desperation mounts, Malik resorts to selling his phone to scrape together 100 euros, a last-ditch attempt to break free from this nightmare. However, fate deals him another harsh blow as he’s swindled out of a fair price, leaving him with a fraction of the amount he needs.

Amidst this despair, Malik’s path crosses with Arona, a kind-hearted airport worker. He not only provides Malik shelter in a detention cell but also shares a humble burger, a gesture that transcends mere charity and embodies humanity.

Begging for money from indifferent passengers becomes a heart-wrenching endeavor for Malik, a desperate plea for help met with cold indifference. The bank’s unforgiving stance persists, holding his accounts hostage.

In a moment of sheer desperation, Malik attempts to rob an ATM and, in a frenzied act, assaults a man. This leads to his arrest, a dark chapter in his journey. Yet, even in this dire situation, Arona empathizes with Malik’s plight and extends an empathetic hand by releasing him.

Amid this despair, Malik’s path crosses with Julius, grappling with being jailed for the fake documents. Both men are ensnared in the bureaucratic quagmire of Frankfurt Airport, and Julius recognizes the desperation in Malik’s eyes. He understands that only audacious action can extricate them from this Kafkaesque nightmare. Working together, they manage to break out of their confines and escape the airport.

Their camaraderie blossoms as Julius persuades a weary Malik to take matters into their own hands. The Frankfurt Volks Bank becomes an unlikely stage for their audacious plan – taking hostages, including patrons and employees, to make a single demand: a chartered Lufthansa flight destined for New York, exclusively for them and the flight crew.

Detective Black, the lead negotiator for the local police, steps in, aiming to defuse the situation peacefully. He works tirelessly with Malik and Julius to secure their requested flight. In a moment of remarkable bravery, Mrs. Hilbert secures the payment for the chartered flight by exposing Rose Anthea’s malfeasance and having her account debited. This act of courage becomes the linchpin that finally secures Malik’s victory over the bureaucratic quagmire.

However, the situation takes a perilous turn when Chief Randall, driven by bigotry and arrogance, intervenes, sabotaging the delicate negotiation process. Ignoring Detective Black’s wisdom, Randall orders a German SWAT team, led by the overzealous Captain Huberman, to storm the bank. Chaos erupts, and Julius sustains life-threatening gunshot wounds, while an innocent Russian bank customer falls victim to the crossfire between police and suspects.

Amidst the chaos, Chief Randall, with his arrogance and political ambitions, attempts to leverage the crisis for publicity. A power struggle ensues with Detective Black, who stands as the voice of reason and morality. However, tragedy strikes, and Randall’s true colors are exposed on live TV, leading to his removal from duty.

Meanwhile, inside the bank, Malik forges an unexpected bond with the hostages by sharing a source of solace – marijuana. This seemingly unconventional act ultimately leads to a thoughtful discussion that transcends the boundaries of captor and captive, humanizing both sides of the crisis.

Detective Black eventually regains command. He secures a passage for Julius and Malik to New York on their chartered Lufthansa flight. Julius, clinging to life, extracts a solemn promise from Malik – to deliver his cherished personal effects to his sister, Jossy, who resides in New York, ensuring his memory lives on through this connection.

Touching down at JFK Airport in New York, Malik’s arrival is anything but ordinary. While peacefully taken into custody by awaiting police, he is celebrated as a folk hero by a throng of supporters. Tears of joy flow as he reunites with his loving mother, sister, girlfriend Tyra, and best friend Edwin. In a poignant moment, Malik fulfils his pledge to Julius by handing over his personal effects to Jossy.

Despite the gravity of the laws Malik has broken, public opinion overwhelmingly supports him, a testament to the shocking racism, cruelty, and excessive force displayed by the German authorities. Following a one-year prison sentence, Malik marries Tyra and becomes a prominent advocate for social justice and reform, partnering with the United Nations.

This epic tale circles back to where it all began – New York. Malik left America as a student and returns as a man whose audacious determination has been forged through adversity, thanks to Julius, the catalyst who awakened his resilience. The story, rich with characters like Detective Black, symbolizing morality and reason, and Police Chief Randall, emblematic of entrenched racism and police brutality, as well as Mrs. Hilbert, representing empathy in powerful institutions, invites us to ponder the complexities of justice and the indomitable human spirit.

In summation, this odyssey intricately chronicles Malik’s harrowing four-day journey through the labyrinthine bureaucracy and prejudiced authorities. Along this tumultuous path, he discovers hidden wellsprings of courage and forms an unlikely bond, ultimately returning home to New York forever transformed by his epic journey.


Kevin Ndango


United States

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We open on a deserted street in Manhattan, where MISSY TORRANCE, a mysterious young woman, runs from gunfire. Injured, she staggers into St. Francis Cathedral, where she runs into FATHER RICHARD, a demure British priest, collapsing at his feet. He at-tempts to staunch the bleeding, but it’s too late. She asks him to give her his blessings, then hands him a briefcase before perishing. Richard opens the briefcase to find that it’s filled with numerous stacks of hundred dollar bills. Richard quickly hides the briefcase, afraid of who might be after it. Just then, SPARKY CALORADO, a seasoned crook, en-ters the cathedral in search of Missy. Richard lies and tells Sparky that he hasn’t seen any young woman, nor her briefcase. Though he is apologetic about it, Sparky knocks Richard unconscious, then looks around but comes up empty.

Sparky returns to his boss, a fearsome Russian mobster named PROPHET, along with his goons, TIGER, BLADE, and JACK. Prophet is furious to find that the briefcase has gone missing. He tasks Sparky with finding the money by the next day — and if he doesn’t, it’s his head on the line. Back at the cathedral, Richard looks through Missy’s things and learns that she was a surgeon at St. Francis Hospital. Later, FATHER JOHN, another seemingly jovial priest, unwittingly leads Sparky to Richard. Sparky tells Richard that Missy was entrusted with performing heart surgery on a mob boss, only for the man’s enemies to come in and assassinate him. The boss’ son entrusted this briefcase filled with money to Missy for safe keeping. Using veiled terms, Sparky alludes to a “friend” of his who works with a rival operation, which is now pursuing Richard in order to get the case back. Again, Richard won’t admit to having the case, which Sparky warns him could jeopardize his safety.

On his way out, Sparky is attacked by two African-American gangsters, ORAN and OR-GAN, who nearly kill him. He manages to get loose, only to be shot at by Blade and Jack. Richard is stunned to witness this scene. Blade and Jack pursue Sparky to a bo-dega, where he uses a makeshift Molotov cocktail to burn Jack and escape. Later, Oran and Organ attempt to kill Sparky at his apartment, but he kills them both. Father Richard then calls Sparky and finally admits that he found the case. He tells Sparky that he’s go-ing to leave the case with a nun named SISTER ANN. Moved by extreme emotion, he then confesses to Sparky that, in fact, he has a child — and thus has broken his vows as a priest. We learn that Sparky’s phone has been bugged by Bishop.

Richard meets with Sister Ann and struggles to convince her to accept this dangerous task. Eventually, he tells her of Missy’s sacrifice and gets her on board, informing her that he’s headed to the Vatican for a meeting that had been planned in advance. Bishop and his goons approach Richard outside of the church and interrogate him. He tries to deny the allegations, but Bishop ends up brutally murdering him right in the parking lot. This sparks a media firestorm in the city as the police swarm the scene. Among them, we find DETECTIVE MYER, a weathered vet of the force, and his glib partner DETEC-TIVE MICHAEL. They’re given a directive from CHIEF JOHNSON to solve this case ASAP, as he’s under a great deal of pressure from the Catholic mayor.

The detectives interview Father John, who tells them that he saw Richard meeting with a suspicious man shortly before his death. Just then, John happens to spot Sparky, who’s pulling up across the street. He screeches off before the Detectives can get his license plate number. Sister Ann packs up to leave when she is confronted by her dear friend SISTER MAUREEN, who can sense there is something “off”. Sister Ann gives Maureen an envelope for her to hand to Sparky if he comes around looking for her. Later, Sparky shows up searching for Ann and meets up with Maureen. Just then, Bishop and his men show up and start shooting at them. Sparky saves Maureen’s life, but the police arrive and arrest him as their prime suspect anyway.

Myer and Michael interview Sparky. He is tired of being part of a cycle of senseless vio-lence and thus tells them about Bishop, but Detective Michael isn’t buying it. Sparky then explains that his father was a mafia hitman who killed a leader of the Columbian cartel. Myer has a personal connection to this angle, because his father was a cop that was killed by a corrupt officer on the mob boss’ payroll. Sparky goes on to explain that Bishop was a small time Russian hood who rose to power and murdered the mob boss in the hospital, thus leading to the briefcase full of money being in his sights. Sparky explains that he was dispatched by the mob boss to infiltrate Bishop’s operation from the inside, only to end up in too deep, forced to refuse to do things that went against his moral code. He also warns Myer that their department is filled with crooked cops, some of whom are reporting to Bishop. Myer is intrigued, while Michael tries to convince him that it’s all a pack of lies.

Sparky calls Sister Ann — who left her number for him on the paper she gave to Maureen. He warns her and Maureen to stay out of the convent, telling her they’re both in danger. She tells him that if anything happens to her, he can find the money at the headstone of a specific gravestone in Greenwood Cemetery. Sister Ann goes to stay at her family home, only to find Bishop and his goons already inside. They torture her and force her to take them to the cemetery, but she won’t give up the location of the case. Frustrated, Bishop snaps and accidentally shoots Ann, killing her. Myer appeals to the Chief to agree to work with Sparky in order to take down Bishop. Michael is very much against it, but Chief Johnson agrees to proceed. Myer releases Sparky from prison and, together, they head to Ann’s home, only to find her gone. Maureen shows up, also look-ing for Ann. They trace her to Greenwood Cemetery. At this point, we reveal learn that Detective Michael is in fact the mole in the NYPD, working for Bishop. He tips them off to the fact that Myer is getting too close to the truth.

A public funeral is held for Richard at St. Francis. Chief Johnson dispatches a SWAT team to the scene, based on Sparky’s tip that Bishop will show up there to take Maureen. However, the mission is botched and a public shootout ensues, causing a massive stampede. Amidst the chaos, Bishop and his men manage to kidnap Maureen. Furious, Chief Johnson orders that Sparky be arrested and strips Myer of his badge. However, Sparky successfully escapes from custody. He goes to a nightclub, where he meets up with his girlfriend, sultry and loving singer HESTER.

Tiger and the other goons set about torturing Maureen to get the location of the money, placing her into a room full of snakes. Sparky calls an enraged Detective Myer, telling him that he knows where the money is and that he’ll give Myer a share if he helps him get to it. Sparky goes to meet up with his associates, three heavily armed trapper thugs — KILLUMINATI, the leader, AFRICA, a foreign national, and VIRUS, a white boy tweak-er. He teams with them to take down Bishop’s safe house. Back at St. Francis, we see Father John manically searching through Father Richard’s belongings for something, but coming up empty. He then goes to meet with the regal, high ranking BISHOP MAU-RICE, who tells him that he needs to look through Father Richard’s room.

Father John goes there and begins scouring, eventually coming upon a black diary. Upon reading it, we learn that Father Richard harbored numerous secrets. First, that he had sexual relations with a woman who confessed to him under the influence of narcotics, getting her pregnant. He then demanded that she abort the child. They got into an argu-ment, he accidentally knocked her down and she died upon hitting a table. He dumped the body, but the baby managed to survive and he’s been wracked with guilt ever since. Secondly, and more shockingly, he reveals that the Parish’s prior Bishop, Charles, was murdered. Charles caught Maurice and John misappropriating church funds. He gave them three days to return the money, or he’d tell the Vatican. Richard went to Maurice’s office to speak to him, only to inadvertently witness Maurice and John killing Charles. This was all recorded via a secretly placed video camera. Maurice and John covered up this crime, but Richard was overcome with guilt. He contacted a newspaper editor and gave him a copy of the murder video, telling him to hold off on publishing it until he got back from the Vatican — which is due to occur imminently. John is completely terrified.

Myer meets with Sparky and Hester at the club. Sparky has realized there’s a rat inside the NYPD and accuses Myer, who grows indignant. Sparky then gives Myer Bishop’s cell phone number and asks him to have his police connections run a trace to see who he’s been in contact with. The two of them then make their plan to go after Bishop. Father John consults with Maurice about their predicament. They realize the only way out of this situation is to get after the journalist and stop him from printing the story.
Myer, Sparky, and Killuminati’s crew attack Bishop’s safe house and a massive firefight ensues. Sparky gets the briefcase and injects Bishop with a deadly neurotoxin without his knowledge, but he is unable to extricate Maureen.

Myer calls Bishop and sets up a time for them to meet up and exchange — the briefcase for Sister Maureen. Tensions flare within the group when Killuminati’s crew learns that Myer is an ex-cop, but the situation is mollified when Myer agrees to smoke weed with them. Sparky tells Killuminati that he and his guys will also receive a share of the money. Father John shows up at the home of PIERCE, the journalist, and his wife. He talks his way inside under the cover of being a man of the cloth, only to brutally murder them both. Father John attempts to escape for the Canadian border, but gets into a car acci-dent and dies. The truth about Maurice comes out and the cathedral is besieged with protestors. Shamed, Maurice commits suicide before the police can reach him. Hester begs Sparky to leave this lifestyle behind, but he tells her he has to do this one last thing. He promises her that he’ll come back. Detective Myer receives the results of the phone tap on Bishop and is stunned to discover that it was none other than Michael, all along. He tells Chief Johnson to meet him at the cemetery, where the drop off is set.

At the cemetery, Bishop and his gang roll up with Maureen to do the exchange. Bishop starts coughing and Sparky reveals that he’s poisoned him with the neurotoxin. Just then, Killuminati hands over the briefcase, which has a secret explosive device attached to it. A blast sends Bishop and his men scattering. Sister Maureen takes off running while Myer provides cover for her against Bishop’s snipers. Africa and Virus take down the snipers. Sparky and Tiger furiously clash in a vicious knock-down fight. Sparky man-ages to kill Tiger, only to be shot through the chest by Bishop. At the last minute, Sparky grabs Tiger’s pistol and shoots Bishop. Myer then rushes in and finishes Bishop off, but it’s too late — Sparky’s wounds are fatal. Maureen prays after his body, forgiving his sins before he dies, and he finds redemption. Chief Johnson arrives on the scene with Mi-chael, who he has arrested upon learning that he was the crooked mole. In the end, My-er, Killuminati’s crew, and Maureen show up at the club, where they break the heart-breaking news to Hester. Maureen and Myer share a kiss, hinting at a romantic future together.

Zaheera and The Jinn

Victoria Dook



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On the eastern side of the old world, a Jinn, wandering through the jungle, craves another soul to add to his collection. He comes across Zaheera, a young village woman, grieving the loss of her husband. Zaheera’s desire for love and the banality of her poverty pulls her toward the mysterious creature who seeks her ruin. With the help of a shy suitor and a magical dagger, will Zaheera escape the Jinn?

Michael Markus, Madeline Hombert



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Catamorphis was Madeline’s first completed short as a director. She has learned her craft through courses in Vancouver, BC., notably “Directing for Television with Peter Deluise” . She has formerly directed three four-minute television promos, co-written and produced two feature length films distributed worldwide and written four published books. Screenwriting skills were polished under internationally-praised tutor Robert McKee. Her focus now is solely on writing screenplays and novels.

With the dark dysfunctional-family tone of Hitchcock’s “Psycho” and the intensity of Freddie’s“Elm Street” adventures, BOARDGAMES is a character-driven thriller.
The investigation, helmed by Det. Scott McDowell, seems to be going nowhere. Meanwhile, Scott’s 17-year-old son Corey and best friend Patrick Steubens (son of the town’s tramp) are shunned by the rest of the town, forcing them closer together and driving the skater boys to find creative ways to achieve their extreme sport: Murder and mayhem.
More of a game than a sport, there are rules and Patrick’s commitment is beginning to wane. When a close friend of the teens must be killed to protect their identity, Patrick tells Corey he’s finished playing. Corey is too deep into the game, pushing to end it the way he started – by winning at all costs. After all, Corey’s motives for revenge may never have included Patrick .
Rules are rules and Patrick must pay the price for giving up. This
forces the timeline on the game to accelerate. A race ensues between sleuth sociopath Corey trying to frame the creepy-and-awkward guidance teacher from his school, and the jaded-yet-naive Scott finding out who the real killer is. Once Scott realizes his adversary is his own son, he rushes to the teacher’s house hoping to make it before Corey strikes again.
Will Corey’s lack of emotional ties, his focused mindset and inner rage give him the upper hand? Or has Scott’s alcoholism, deep-seated guilt and workaholic lifestyle hardened him enough to arrest his own son in whatever means necessary? One thing that both father and son know: once the ultimate challenge begins, someone has to win and, finally, it
Game Over

Males 17-25
M/F Crime/Drama Cinefiles
M/F Thriller/Horror Fanatics

Mike Gallagher, Holly Martinez


United States

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A wealthy Marin County, California mom and her daughter must team with their Latina housekeeper to survive when all are unexpectedly left without any means of support.

Stuart James Forrest


United States

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Two boys, abused in different ways, find peace and friendship in a secluded shack where secrets and murder lurks.

He was born in Omaha, NE, in 1951. He now lives and writes in Oceanside, CA.

King of Blades

Paul Hikari


United States

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From writing scripts for Emperor Pigs to publishing his scrapbook novella, Voices, Paul Hikari keeps thinking, “I can do better than that,” and has let that propel him through both his voice acting and scriptwriting, largely for YouTube stuff.

Makoto Yamasaki’s father, Yoshihiro, is a champion in the gladiatorial virtual reality sporting event, Children of the Earth—its King of Blades, as the title would have it. Unfortunately, on the night after his latest win, the train he rides home crashes, leaving him paralyzed. Makoto thus aims to compete in the competition herself, determined to prove that she’s worth more than just being Yoshihiro’s daughter. After many years of training, she successfully enters, but standing in her way of the championship is the current King of Blades, Joshua Strada, who had once fought Yoshihiro and lost. Furthermore, over the years, she has become increasingly cold and distant, even to friends and family, to the point where she may even risk her own life to get by on her own. In order to win the competition, she must accept their support and find a way to overcome her opponents—and herself.

John Rice


United States

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An old man nearing the end of his life did’t ask to receive all of the powers of Dracula, but he could decide whether he used those gifts for good or evil.

The priory of Sion published by editions edilivre in france




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The treasure of templars of abbe Sauniere and of abbey Boudet of Rennes of Castle in France with the priory of Sion, the Graal of templars, mediums and historical people against enemy Brouillard society.

The Magical Adventures of Detective Sam

Gail Pickett


United States

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A Pup Dective goes on fun and exciting adventures along with his friends to teach good moral tackle bullying and other subjects each episode is fun mystery and included the children to help solve very fun and all kids are included as well . The first adventure is on bullying with a whole season not limited to haunted adventures could be real live action or cartoon.

Writing is my passion, and I enjoy expressing myself through various genres. From writing cartoons to adult thrillers, I find joy in exploring different storytelling styles. I have been honing my writing skills since the age of 12 and have even been fortunate enough to receive a few awards for my work.

Hey there! I’m Gail, a professional author and screenwriter. Currently, I’m immersed in the world of Detective Sam, a crime-fighting pup who not only fights for justice but also explores emotional and moral themes, making it a fun and educational experience for kids. Additionally, I’m also working on a thrilling drama movie script that promises 90 minutes of excitement and crime.

William Rush


United States

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A woman home for college break must outwit a very dangerous intruder.

Cassie, a young woman returning home during a college break makes plans with her hometown boyfriend for him to come visit her at her parents’ house while they are away for a concert.

She is waiting with anticipation for her visitor to arrive when he makes his entrance. However, this is not the visitor she expected.

Now Cassie must fight for her life to escape this unwelcome intruder, isolated and on her own, with no means of escape.

Can she fend him off until help arrives, or will she be his latest victim.


The film is a thrilling horror film about a shocking home invasion and the cat and mouse struggle for survival that ensues. A strong female lead is our protagonist, and I am confident the character will captivate audiences with her intelligence and determination.

Our mission is diversity and representation in film, both in front of and behind the camera. This includes women, people of color, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, differently-abled people and people for whom English is a second language.

Our cast, crew and screenplays are always diverse in terms of sexuality, cultural experience and gender, and voices of underrepresented individuals are always a key component in my stories. Sweetener, I am hopeful, is the same.

William R.A. Rush was born and raised in Syracuse, NY and moved to Philadelphia in 2023 to attend law school. He has been a practicing attorney for eighteen years primarily as a trial attorney.

He began making movies in late 2022 after years as a passionate lover of film with a licensed Stephen King adaptation, “One for the Road”.

He uses lis legal training and experience in his approach to filmmaking. As a trial lawyer, he has always worked on cases where a single event or crime, followed by years of investigation, leads to sometimes a couple days or less to condense years of information into a single presentation to present his case.

This is how he approaches filmmaking: a massive and meticulous amount of preparation all leading to filming the project.

This also leads to his eye for realism and truth. Drawing as his experience as a father to three daughters, he incorporates his life and experiences into his films’ messaging and depth to create an immersive, realistic and often unflinching style and subject matter.

Direct Action

Tor Kristoffersen


United Kingdom

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When a teenage environmentalist uncovers plans to open a coal mine in her home town, she fights tooth and nail to stop it, placing her on a collision course with her father, the police and the courts.

I’ve been part of climate groups for years — I’ve gone to meetings, marched and organised and find it deeply concerning that we just carry on destroying the ecosystem we need to survive. We’ve wiped out 69% of bio diversity since 1970, are currently 1.1 degrees above pre industrial levels and according to the IPCC have to reduce our fossil fuel emissions by 43% by 2030 or we’ll lose the world as we know it.

As the younger generation become increasingly alarmed groups such as ‘Extinction Rebellion’, ‘Insulate Britain’ and ‘Just stop Oil’ are demanding action. In response the government has introduced draconian laws to control protest while green lighting new oil licenses and coal mines. We are truly at a crossroads where we can continue along a path to climate breakdown or change our direction.

It was this that inspired ‘Direct Action’, the story of Emily Phillips leading a march against a local coal mine only to face staunch opposition from her father, the police and government — where the changes in law are making it perilous to protest and any attempt to argue against climate breakdown is seen as fanatical. Direct Action is a coming of age drama but it’s also about our country’s direction and the kind of society we want to live in.

Tor Kristoffersen is an award-winning writer-director with over ten years of experience in film. He has made commercials, shorts and brand films for clients ranging from Sega and Standard Chartered to Thrudark, making hard-hitting pieces which pack an emotional punch.

He started in theatre before moving into film where he worked as a director and editor for a range of branding and production companies before co-founding Form Films. His shorts have been selected for numerous international film festivals and won a series of awards, notably a Special Jury mention at Venice Shorts Film Festival, Cannes Silver medal and Encounters DepicT overall winner. His goal is to make long-form stories that explore the relationship between power, politics and the climate crisis.

Litten's Passion

Arik Bjorn, Debi King McMartin, Evelyn "Lyn" Morgan


United States

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After challenging Nazi leader Adolf Hitler in a pre-World War II German courtroom, a brilliant young attorney begins a courageous fight for justice, his country, and ultimately his life. LITTEN’S PASSION is a true historical drama in the tradition of SCHINDLER’S LIST, about an ordinary man who becomes extraordinary by standing his ground before an army of evil and risking all to save the soul of a nation. The little known true story of Hans Litten, the forgotten first victim of the Holocaust, is one the world cannot afford to forget.


There are few words left in spoken language that truly turns heads. But Holocaust still retains such lexical power. So do Hitler, Nazi, Auschwitz, and Dachau. Such iron-wrought phonemes have become effective synonyms of incarnate evil, of horror beyond imagination, especially for the generation for whom World War II already seems distant history; no longer a living memory, but one only brought to life through books, films, and museum artifacts.

In 1993, Steven Spielberg rekindled the memory of Oskar Schindler for an entire world of moviegoers. (Novelist Thomas Keneally had done the same for a world of readers eleven years prior.) I will never forget my experience with the film SCHINDLER’S LIST. Upon emerging from the theater that gray, wet night in Chicago, I found myself unable to speak. Unable to critically assess. Practically unable to drive home. I remained in such a state for several days. The Holocaust—that distant hell—had briefly visited the state of the present time. But not for the last time.

Three years later, I spent an extended summer in the Middle East, finishing coursework for a master’s in New Testament Studies. For several weeks, I was privileged to live within Old City Jerusalem, at a university that bordered Sulemain’s Wall on Mt. Zion and overlooked the Valley of Gehenna. (Corrupt King Josiah committed many acts of abomination in this valley, after which it became the city’s common cesspool and the theological inspiration for an inferno afterlife. Thus, the irony of ironies, from my window, I could partake a view from Paradise, into the very depths of hell.)

I soon learned that Oskar Schindler was buried in Old City Jerusalem, in a small Catholic cemetery several hundred meters from where I was staying. After World War II, Schindler emigrated to Argentina but soon went bankrupt. Eventually, a community of Holocaust survivors located their “rescuer,” who, immured in poverty, had repatriated to Germany. When Schindler died, he was interred in the Holy Land, one of the few places that had embraced him after the war. (In the 1960s, he was invited to plant a tree along the Avenue of the Righteous at Jerusalem’s Yad Vashem Museum.)

I visited Schindler’s place of rest many times that summer. His marker was easy to find—covered high with rocks, as is Middle Eastern custom, honoring the dead with stones, akin to our laying flowers at a grave. The photograph I took of Schindler’s grave has hung on my office wall ever since, its caption a permanent reminder of the ultimate human struggle, the war between good and evil: Der Unvergessliche Lebenretter. “The Unforgotten Lifesaver.”

In 2003, the Holocaust came alive to me yet again, in a place I never could have expected. Certainly, in a way I never expected—but, I suppose, in the way it will only ever come alive again, as the generation who lived through those days is nearly gone.
Three years ago, I moved to Columbia, South Carolina, enrolled in graduate school at the University of South Carolina to study for a master’s degree in library science, and soon found myself working for USC’s Department of Rare Books and Special Collections. The USC Rare Book Library is a closed-stack bookman’s attic, a dusty Bibliotheque, wherein only a handful of individuals are privileged to explore its dusty, treasure-filled shelves. (I once happened upon a 17th-century Descartes volume that the library did not know it owned, having improperly cataloged it in the 19th century.)

In Spring of 2004, a German institution sent our library an obscure request for information about a man named Hans Litten. They noted that USC owned the papers of Lord Allen of Hurtwood (a fact listed only in cursory fashion on USC’s website), and they wondered whether this archive contained any information about Herr Litten.

The University of South Carolina acquired the Allen Papers from the family in 1960 but had never processed them. Thus, no one knew what the 20-odd boxes of materials contained. Moreover, no one had heard of Hans Litten.

The task fell to me to sort through the Lord Allen Papers in search of Hans Litten. Before long, a breathtaking, nearly-forgotten story emerged. Letters from Lord Allen to Adolph Hitler. Letters to Lord Allen from Joachim von Ribbentrop, the Nazi Foreign Minister. British newspaper accounts of the Holocaust, from as early as 1933. Gruesome headlines about the beheading of hundreds of German prisoners. And several boxes of letters that told the story of an underground movement, composed of private citizens and politicians, both British and Continental, of which Lord Allen was the nucleus, who did everything possible to free numerous Germans from Nazi imprisonment and torture.

Who were these forgotten prisoners? Unbelievably, they were the first victims of the Holocaust. Before there was a Final Solution. Hans Litten. Carl von Ossietzky. Erich Muhsam. Ernst Heilmann. Hermann Liebman. The several dozen men Hitler ordered arrested in the early morning hours of February 29, 1933, within hours of the Reichstag Fire. (Some were arrested in the immediate days and weeks that followed.) These men posed the greatest political threat to Hitler’s nascent dictatorship. But the man the Fuhrer despised most was Hans Litten, a pacifist attorney who, in a Berlin courtroom in May 1929, had interrogated and humiliated Hitler before the entire German nation. Hans Litten became a trophy of contempt for the Nazi inner circle, enduring unimaginable torture for five years. His story is, of course, told within the pages of LITTEN’S PASSION.

Nearly all the original Reichstag prisoners were brutally tortured. And those who weren’t outright murdered, after a session of beating, would return to their cells and discover nooses hanging from the ceiling: for some, a welcome end to their undeserved suffering. Hans Litten, however, was afforded no such macabre invitation.

But this was not so. By the time the U.S. troops liberated Dachau on May 1, 1945, Hans Litten’s suffering had long ended. No one knows how Hans Litten was murdered in February 1938, only that he was. And with the passing of time, and the burial of the Lord Allen Papers in the rare book recesses of the University of South Carolina, the name Hans Litten has nearly faded from memory.

Also forgotten is the part Lord Allen played in the Litten Affair. A devout pacifist who was himself imprisoned for conscientious objection during World War I, Reginald Clifford Allen became a prominent political-left figure, newspaperman, and founder of the No-Conscription Fellowship. He was eventually offered a peerage, but he was a lord without an estate, living, at best, a middle-class existence, despite his title.

Lord Allen’s efforts to free Hans Litten, and hundreds of other German prisoners, cannot be fully recounted in the space of this l. Suffice it to say, such a history deserves the title Lord Allen: The British Schindler.

When I discovered the series of February 1938 letters that informed Lord Allen of Hans Litten’s murder, I was thunderstruck. Litten’s death impacted Lord Allen with an equal blow. One year later, Lord Allen fell ill and died. I cannot help but think that Allen’s physical collapse may have been the result of feeling responsible for failing to save Hans Litten. For failing to save so many. And toward the very end, the devout pacifist must have realized that only force could free Germany, and the world, from such a powerful evil.

Neither Hans Litten nor Lord Allen lived to see V-day. So many died not knowing whether Hitler’s armies would be destroyed, whether liberty would be restored. And now, the remaining survivors and witnesses of the Holocaust must similarly wonder how the future will remember those dark days of Nazi reign. What monuments will be established to prevent such unspeakable wickedness?

The writers hope Litten’s Passion will become such a monument. Hitler’s rise to power could have been prevented. All such horrors can be prevented. I pray the names of Lord Allen, Hans Litten, and Irmgard Litten will become luminescent, forever countering and overpowering the diabolical connotations of Concentration Camp.

How many times in the past year-and-a-half I have sat at my desk and wiped tears off decades-old pages. Pages that Ribbentrop signed and Hitler may have previewed. Pages upon which Corder Catchpool and Dorothy Buxton and so many other unknown underground heroes wrote in the exigent pursuit of justice. Pages that Lord Allen read, wherein Irmgard thanked him from the depths of her heart for all his help, despite the tragic fate of her son.

You who touch these pages, whether they be fresh from the printer, or foxed and brittle with age, you are beholden to this monument of Hans Litten, the forgotten first victim of the Holocaust. In these pages, the Holocaust rises out of the past and becomes present. For the memory of Hans Litten, and the millions who suffered, endeavor to make certain such darkness never casts its shadow over the future.

Even if LITTEN’S PASSION never becomes a film, Hans and Irmgard, and all the good men and women who fought for justice, have inspired my life beyond measure. But it would be so wonderful for the whole world to see this story through our impacted eyes.

Arik M. Bjorn
Columbia, SC

LITTEN’S PASSION was written by Arik Bjorn, Debi King McMartin, and Evelyn “Lyn” Morgan. Mr. Bjorn is a published columnist and librarian with a history background. In 2004, he stumbled upon a major Hans Litten archive that had been buried from the public for more than 40 years. This led to several years of intense primary research for LITTEN’S PASSION. Ms. King and Ms. Morgan have partnered on several optioned and produced screenplays, including The Pardon, a true historical drama starring Academy-Award nominated Ethan Hawke and Skookum: The Hunt for Bigfoot. In 2006, an early draft of LITTEN’S PASSION was given serious consideration by the late Anthony Minghella (Mirage Entertainment).

Brahma's Feet

Krystopher Hugo Neto Taulois de Andrade



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Krystopher Andrade, filmmaker. Born in Brazil in 1987, director of short films and assistant director of feature films and documentaries between Brazil, Spain and Poland. Currently working as writer and director of a Feature Film in India. CEO GEA Film Fest since 2016.

A heartwarming drama that follows the intertwined lives of Mahesh and Raju as they embark on a transformative journey that explores the themes of friendship, family, and self-discovery.

Mahesh, a compassionate and caring individual, finds himself thrust into a unique role as he encounters Raju, a young boy who has tragically lost his mother. Bound by a deep sense of responsibility, Mahesh takes it upon himself to bring Raju back to his grandmother’s home in Sikkim.

Their journey unfolds through the breathtaking landscapes of the mountains, as they navigate narrow roads and encounter a diverse group of fellow travelers. Along the way, Mahesh and Raju form a strong bond, finding solace and support in each other’s presence.

Shane Hallawa


United States

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Adapted from my novel “The Stylite” now out on Amazon.

Teresa Amadei is a young stylite, a wandering, ascetic demon hunter, trained in the Way of Fire. Her teacher, Father Simon, a Byzantine martial artist monk, sends her on a journey to the city of Alexantine in the Midwestern US, where many are moving to escape the growing chaos in the world. Along the way she stops at towns and cities and battles the Daemoklos, demons who have escaped from their prison, to seal them away by writing them back into their eponymous grimoire. She is aided by her older cousin and fellow stylite, Matthew Abbate, and crosses paths with the mysterious black knight, the Saracen, with his own agenda.

The novelization of my story “The Stylite” is now available on Amazon.
I have developed a list of actors and actresses who I believe could play the characters in the story. Any who are interested in the script can discuss casting possibilities with me.

Joshua Rose


United States

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A man goes home to bury his grandmother and unearths the ghosts of his past. He’ll have to battle his demons before he can find his own way home.

Tasmanian Tiger

Attila Baranyi


United Kingdom

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A troubled ex policeman fighting with his own demons, while going on a warpath against a well organised human trafficking mob to find some redemption through pain, fire and blood.

My journey as a writer is fueled by an unyielding love for both the cinematic art form and the intricacies of the human experience. With a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work grounding my understanding of humanity, I try to embark on each storytelling endeavor with a profound appreciation for the depth and complexity of human relationships.

In crafting narratives, I am drawn to the interplay between poetic imagery and the creation of new realities. I revel in the process of weaving together scandalous and subversive materials, unearthing the raw truths that lie beneath the surface of societal norms. Through character-driven stories, I delve deep into the human psyche, exploring the multifaceted nature of our weaknesses, desires, and fears.

At the heart of my writing lies a fascination with inspiring character development—the transformative journey of the soul as it navigates the trials and tribulations of life. I am endlessly intrigued by the moments that shape our personalities, the crucibles of experience that mold us into who we are.

Above all, I am captivated by the power of human relationships to illuminate the human condition. Whether exploring the depths of love and longing or the complexities of betrayal and redemption, I seek to unearth the universal truths that bind us all together.

In my writing, I aspire to provoke thought, challenge conventions, and ultimately, stir the soul. Through stories that resonate on a deeply personal level, I endeavor to ignite a spark of empathy, understanding, and connection in the hearts of readers and viewers alike. For me, writing is not just a creative pursuit—it is a deeply meaningful exploration of what it means to be human.

Born from a passion for storytelling, my journey as a first-time screenwriter has been nothing short of extraordinary. With my debut screenplay, “Tasmanian Tiger,” I have had the privilege of captivating audiences worldwide, earning the prestigious honor of five award wins that have propelled my enthusiasm to new heights.

The genesis of “Tasmanian Tiger” was a hard labor as my first story. As the accolades for my screenplay began to accumulate, I found myself humbled by the recognition and emboldened by the opportunity and chance to share my story with the world.

Now, residing in the vibrant cultural tapestry of London, I have embraced a dual identity: by day, I am a dedicated social worker, committed to making a difference in the lives of those in need; by night, I am a storyteller, aspiring filmmaker.

One Mad Apple

Laurie Asbourne, Tom Pratt


United States

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A dark comedy feature inspired by a true story and based on the book of the same
After a man moves to small town to care for his dying father, he embraces the
community and his new life as a stepfather and husband, until he finds himself in the
crosshairs of an unhinged townswoman who challenges him in a school board election
and makes him look like the crazy one.

This story of a small town in turmoil and fear because of a combatant and mentally unstable elected official, who just happens to serve on the local school board. One Mad Apple is inspired by real-life events and evokes fear in many of us: mentally unstable individuals threatening our communities and especially our children.

I am a 64-year-old first-time author and screenwriter who believes this story needs to be told.

I served on my local school board before and after Covid and it was horrific! My life was threatened many times, via social media and in my face. The book I wrote, which this screenplay is based on, was requested to be banned by the local population at a school board meeting as well as many beloved books we grew up with which we cherish. This practice of restricting free speech needs to stop now. 

The United States (Divided States of America) is more polarized than ever. This story exemplifies the realties that all politics begins even at the local level.


Gorune Aprikian



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Gorune Aprikian has been a coal miner, engineer, publisher, film producer and a scriptwriter. In 2005, he is the executive director of an important French press group, leading many publications on cinema and television (Studio Magazine, Le Film Français, Télé Star, Télé Poche…). He then decides to quit the world of large firms to dedicate himself to writing and cinema, first as a producer within ARAPROD then as writer and director. In 2016, Gorune Aprikian directs his first feature movie with “Passade” ( Just a Fling) .

We are in Anatolia, in 1915. Maryam and Varto’s father abandons them, in a village where they don’t know anyone. One thing’s for sure, they must never split up. Maryam is the older sister, but Varto, as a little man in this macho world, who believes that it is his duty to protect her. They are Armenians, alone in a Turkish village. But an older man wants to help them and sends his son, Hassan, to their rescue, against his will, with the mission to take them to a safer place.

All three will have to escape from looters and roughneck soldiers. But their odyssey will also be enchanted by the magic of the mountain and the help of spirits.

This adventure will have unexpected consequences nowadays. Hunted by the ghost of her grand-mother, a young Turkish woman and her son will have to make a trip from Istanbul to Paris to meet a mysterious old man. But he is grumpy and doesn’t want to see them at all. But destiny is not something they can control, and their lives will move in unexpected directions.


I understood when I was writing MARYAM &VARTO, that a story about reconciliation leads to a thought on the identity because both subjects are actually bound inextricably.

The movie is made by interlacing two periods of time which embody conflict and reconciliation, separation and meeting.

MARYAM & VARTO does not want to be a historic movie but an intimate drama.
It is about people torn away one from another and who find themselves gathered beyond time and space, through their children.

The originality of this movie is that the oldest period is handled in a more energetic and modern way than the current time, in order to make people feel that the drama is still present and accurate in the minds of the protagonists.

Animation is for me a perfect tool to express this story, as it will free it from geographical and time bounds to make it universal and poetic.

The Slovenian Girl

Chaz Fatur



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A twenties-something girl is sent to Slovenia from the United States to be part of the Foreign Exchange program. But when her Parent get a divorce and forget about her, including paying for her schooling, she has to resort to the oldest profession in the newest trend – become a Call Girl. She quickly develops a popular reputation, to deem her title of The Slovenian Girl.

Write when you feel it… then get into your Zone & write your butt off!

Charles Ryan Fatur aka “Chaz” is a U.S. Navy Veteran turned Filmmaker. He got his first experience on the set of “Pearl Harbor” when he worked as a ‘real’ Military Background Artist. Since then he has acted in several Films and TV Shows, but later turned his focus on behind the camera and turned into a prolific Screenwriter, aspiring Director & Producer. He has several projects in development. He feels you’re never too old to learn and never too old to succeed! Just take it one project at at time.

Turn the Sandglass

Robert Gokay


United States

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With a little help from above a lost love can be found again and a man’s will to live restored.

Raised in Shaker Heights, Ohio. Upon high school graduation, moved to California and picked lemons in Santa Paula with other migrant farm workers. BA, UC Berkeley, MBA, UCLA, long career corp. middle management, marriage, family, retirement, divorce. Alarmed by re-appearance of White Supremacy and eugenics, wrote “Next Time We Meet”. Contemplating the passing of old friends and my own aging, wrote “Turn the Sandglass”.

With a little help from above, a lost love can be found again and the will to live restored.

Mark forsakes a scholarship to Yale and decides instead to leave his working-class home in Ohio to attend Cal Berkeley in 1967. Once there he immerses himself in the many forms of consciousness-expanding opportunities presented to him, and meets Pat, a politically active graduate student for whom he is an unanticipated diversion and a protector from her serious involvements, anchor to her secure and stable past, and beacon to a similar future, while for him she is the unanticipated emotional involvement he had determined to avoid while pursuing his academic goals. Though Mark does not share her idealistic commitment to the anti-war movement, and she does not accept his practical determination to graduate and become conventionally successful, they fall in love, but separate when the conflict between her idealism and his practicality become intolerable to her. Pat seemingly disappears while Mark is impelled along his predictable and pedestrian trajectory of middle-class existence. When the time is right, many years later, through some divine intervention, they meet again and are given that rare chance to recover the love they lost so many years ago.

Next Time We Meet

Robert Gokay


United States

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Could the reason why Man continues to see worldwide strife and the rise and fall of authoritarian regimes have been expressed in the writings of the ancients? The good news: we live again. The bad news: death is no escape from the mess we leave behind.

No matter how bad things get, we always come back.

Raised in Shaker Heights, Ohio. Upon high school graduation, moved to California and picked lemons in Santa Paula with other migrant farm workers. BA, UC Berkeley, MBA, UCLA, long career corp. middle management, marriage, family, retirement, divorce. Alarmed by re-appearance of White Supremacy and eugenics, wrote “Next Time We Meet”. Contemplating the passing of old friends and my own aging, wrote “Turn the Sandglass”.

Meeting Director Sam Peckinpah

Nancee LaFayette


United States

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Working at Universal Studios gave me access to so many talented directors, and working with Director Sam Peckinpah was a major event in my life. This is my true story…

My career in acting and singing started as a young girl in Rhode Island. Education in making movies and television shows began at Apache Land Movie Ranch, Arizona. I was dragged up the street and shot five times a day in live street shows; I also worked as an extra and stunt woman for productions that used the Ranch’s town as a location. In this environment, I worked with many Hollywood Legends including Director Sam Peckinpah, who did “ The Wild Bunch”, Elvis Presley and Audie Murphy.
Universal Studios was my film school and greatest teacher. This is where I studied the many different aspects of the motion picture industry for thirteen years. All the studio departments (titles, film editing, special effects, etc.) opened their doors and invited me into their domains. It was a great experience to be allowed on sets to watch and learn from many of the great actors, actresses, directors and fine crafts people.
I started as a tour guide and worked my way up to middle management. As a tour guide I gave VIP Tours and worked on special events for Mr. and Mrs. Lew Wasserman and other studio executives. At the same time, I was working on my acting and got my first role at Paramount Pictures in “The Day of the Locust” as Ginger Rogers. My studio told me that “…Doris Day’s look was out and so was I.” It was difficult to lose the tour guide image and, being young, I didn’t accept offers from many departments to join them. (Edith Head wanted me to have my head examined.)
I kept up with the Industry by continuing my education. I have studied Independent Producing at UC Berkeley, screen-writing seminars and have been perfecting my directing skills.
Stories help us to learn about life, and with the knowledge that I have both lived and learned, it’s time to write my sagas. I’m turning my movie scripts into books, my animation stories into graphic novels, and will take a private investigator course.

One cold morning at the Apachieland saloon two men walked in and sat at the end of the bar to my right. One was a big fellow with wavy hair down to his shoulders, mustached and bearded—he looked like he’d seen better days. The other man was smaller, also bearded and mustached, and wore a bandanna on his head. I asked the big fella, ”What’s your name?” “Frank Kawaloski,” he smiled. “Are you guys with the film crew?” They nodded. I looked them over and said, “I hear the director is a Little Cesar and when he says jump, you ask how high?” The smaller man asked, “Do you want a shot of brandy in your coffee?” “Yes,” I replied, as it was freezing in the saloon. Frank asked if I was afraid, and I said, “NO! That guy better not try pushing me or…” and I raised my little fist and shook it. Frank looked at the smaller man and said, “Do you see that SAM? You better behave, or this little girl will part your hair!” “Really? I’m Sam Peckinpah.” We stared at each other for a bit then I said, “Gotta Go”, finished my coffee, jumped off the barstool, and skedaddled.

When the film crew started working in town, I was an extra. Every time I turned around, I caught him looking at me. Understand, although people said I looked like Doris Day, I didn’t think so. I always had a weight problem and I didn’t like myself. I didn’t understand what was happening, as all my emotions were going crazy. Why this man? Why did I have these strong feelings for this old grizzly guy? I felt like I’d been hit by a truck, my heart hammered, and my head hurt. I wanted to run but needed the money, so worked and tried to keep my distance.

The following day, Sam worked the crew from 8 AM to 3 AM. There was always tension on the set, but that night electricity was in the dry cold desert air. Sam looked at me and said, ”You walk by with that cowboy over there and be happy and gay.” “No, I’m tired, find somebody else.” Lucian Ballard looked at me pleadingly. “Ok”, I said, and picked a cowboy from our street shows, walked past the camera, turned, looked into the camera, and said, “Ha. Ha, Ha,” and kept walking. Sam softly said, “Cut… you, my dear are a rotten, rotten, Rotten actress!” “Do it again, Goddammit!” The second time I did do it perfectly.

The next morning up at the barn standing near a beautiful black horse, I looked down the street and watched Sam standing in the middle of the road giving orders to the crew. You’ve heard of road rage, well, I had horse rage. Before I knew it, I was up on that black horse leaning down his neck and said, “You see that man? He called me a rotten, rotten, rotten actress. Let’s kill ‘em.” I kicked that horse and we thundered down the road hell-bent for leather. Sam saw us coming, didn’t move a muscle, and just stood there. Luckily the horse was smarter than me, sidestepped at the last instant so that my leg hit Sam’s arm, and twisted him into the direction we were going.

Pulling up the horse, I looked back and saw Sam standing there looking at me with a Mona Lisa smirk on his face.

The story is emotional, funny, and sad…

The film ends with a mini-documentary…

Mrs Saxena at the Hotel Grand

Yanush AHY


United Kingdom

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After a chance meeting of two people, four lives are changed forever. An astonishing story you wish it was your own.

Adapted from the novel by Elizabeth Taylor and the movie: “Mrs Palfrey at the Claremont”.
Blonde and blue-eyed SIDARTHA WINOR (Sid) is a Busker and aspiring, albeit blocked, writer. Much to his widowed, Indian mother’s dismay, he takes a job house-sitting, and finds himself in the plush borough of Chelsea, in London, where he soon encounters Mrs. ASHNA SAXENA.
Mrs. Saxena is an elderly, Indian widow displaced from her England home by a flash flood. She takes lodging at the Hotel Grand in London and hopes to spend some time with her grandson, SHAAM. But he never shows up. After twisting her ankle in the street, she is rescued by Sid. She invites him to dinner to show her gratitude. When she announces a guest is coming to dinner, everyone assumes it’s the much spoken of grandson.
Sid agrees to enter the Hotel Grand community pretending to be Shaam. The hotel regulars immediately adore him. Mrs. Saxena becomes both livelier and happier as a result of her new friendship with Sid. However, things become more complicated when the real Shaam visits unannounced and Saxena must rush to conceal his identity.
Through all of this Mrs Saxena does her best to help Sid with his own romantic troubles, particularly with his new girlfriend, GEETA GUNJ and also his dealings with his mother, SONIA WINOR. Mrs. Saxena also finds herself entangled in love, and fends off a proposal from the kindly MR. OSMOND that leads to an astonishing twist.